From its distinctive, storybook art style to its cheeky English narrator, Fat Princess has a lot going for it, but ultimately has enough significant problems in its gameplay that it's difficult to recommend.
Fat Princess tries to encourage teamwork by making individual efforts almost completely useless. One player gallivanting off on his own is most often going to make it as far as the enemy team's castle doors before getting cut down. A more crafty player might be able to get inside the castle and grab his princess, but unless he's got teammates to back him up, he probably isn't making it very far either.
Encouraging teamwork is not inherently a bad thing, but it can be difficult coordinating with other teammates, leading to games that can easily get locked in a stalemate and take upwards of an hour before someone finally just gets lucky. Combine this with other problems like dropped connections, lag, bugs, and a plethora of other issues, and Fat Princess can be a frustrating game.
Fat Princess has a lot of charm and even more potential, but as of right now, that potential isn't being realized. Maybe with enough patches, Fat Princess will become the must-buy it should've been, but until then, it just feels rushed.
Fat Princesss / $14.99 / Reviewed on PS3
I really didn't like Fat Princess either. All the issues you mentioned, along with my overall dislike for the inaccuracy of the combat pained my time with it.
ReplyDeleteThe game really feels like skill has no role. I appreciate the teamwork-based style, but Team Fortress 2 benefits greatly from even a slightly skilled player, whereas Fat Princess doesn't hardly allow for such things. Another issue is with the movement. You can only hit in the direction you're facing, but you do all your turning and running with one stick. Combat can be incredibly frustrating and inaccurate because of that.
I'm willing to admit my time with the game hasn't been long, but I'd still expect some sort of worthwhile action, and there wasn't any. Action was usually short-lived, and I'd be back in my castle before I knew what was going on.
The game has a lot of charm, and you just want to love it to death, but I couldn't. Likewise, I feel the patches might improve things, but until something is done, I don't see returning.